Growth Mindset Parenting Group
Fill out the poll to determine the time
|Location is TBD based on the poll
Join us to transform the way you manage your child's frustration when they are faced with challenging work. Learn how to motivate your child to achieve their full potential and help them replace their fixed mindset aka "giving up" when things seem hard or challenging.

Time & Location
Fill out the poll to determine the time
Location is TBD based on the poll
About the event
- Have a tendency to quit when things get hard?
- Frequently make negative statements such as
“I can’t do this!”
“I’m not smart!”
- Struggle with motivation?
- Shame themselves when they make mistakes?
- Express jealousy of others?
- Resist studying or practicing?
- Resist taking on new challenges?
- Struggle to ask for help?
- Show signs of being a perfectionist?
- Perform below their potential?
- Become easily frustrated?
If you answered “yes’ to any of these, this course will help you…
- Identify the difference between a “Fixed Mindset” and a “Growth Mindset”
- Identify your child’s Mindset score on the Fixed/Growth Mindset scale
- Identify Fixed Mindset triggers
- Assist your child in maintaining a Growth Mindset
- Motivate your child
- Identify common motivational problems and find ways to overcome them
- Learn the Growth Mindset language
- Identify triggers leading to frustration
- Learn the different between praise and encouragement
- Learn specific techniques and exercises to use with your kids
- Learn how mindset effects school achievement
- Guide your child in ways that will help them learn from their mistakes instead of giving up
And much more!
Taught by Rosalynn Petrutsas, M.Ed., Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor
Special-Ed Teacher
- elementary and middle-school teacher for 6 years
School Counselor
- elementary, middle-school, and high-school counselor for 11 years
- worked with at-risk youth
- ran ARD meetings and developed 504 plans
- made sure accommodations were appropriate and being implemented
Instructional Specialist
- worked with all new teachers helping them navigate their careers
- helped them make the most of being a teacher
Licensed Professional Counselor
- works at Corbella Counseling helping parents navigate the ARD, IEP, and 504 process as it relates to their child’s learning differences.
- acts as a parent & school liaison.
- provides individual counseling to children with learning differences
- provides parenting consultations for navigating the school meetings regarding their child’s learning differences
- runs “Growth Mindset” Groups for parents, teachers, and kids
SMU Research Team
- traveled to several DISD schools teaching the Growth Mindset Curriculum to kids who were reading lower than the 33rd percentile to see if they benefitted from the Growth Mindset Curriculum.
- Results were positive and showed significant improvement in reading.
Adjunct Professor at SMU (taught 2 courses):
1) Collaboration with Schools and Families - Graduate Level
- course for teachers to learn how to work with families to help & support them with their child’s education
2) Positive Psychology - Undergraduate Level
- course for teachers to learn the Growth Mindset Curriculum